SISTERS: my safety net

Let me let you in on a little secret:

Though I am the shortest, I am the eldest of four sisters.
Even before becoming a mom, I was always the most maternal.
Being the first born, It made sense that, from time to time, I would assume the unofficial “mom role”.
Sometimes (All the time) I’d lecture them, scold them, feed them, forgive them, fight WITH them, fight FOR them, freak out about them, etc.

But I had never relied on them for anything other than being my little sisters. Their role towards me carried no responsibility.

Not until I became a mom.

It was sister #3 who read an abundance of pregnancy related articles and bravely watched birth vlogs to help me mentally prepare for what I would be undertaking.
When my belly became too big to do basic human tasks, she did them for me.
When I struggled to stay awake during the bitter winter nights with a newborn who cluster fed, she sat up with me, then sent me to sleep while she burped my baby and sang him to slumber. Only to repeat this process 3 hours later. Every night. For 3 months.
She’s the one who snaps the special moments so that I can fully immerse myself in his smiles and novelties. And treasure them later.

It was sister #2 who stood up for me when post partum depression stood in the way of me verbalizing what I was feeling.
She, who constantly reminds me of the big responsibility that comes with raising a child and the everlasting rewards of doing so correctly.
When I feel overwhelmed she lends a listening ear and lets me sob my heart out without interruption or judgement.
She’s taught me to be kind to myself; to accept help and to take breaks.

It is sister #4 who was near bursting with excitement at the arrival our new addition. From decorating our room, to outings every afternoon and baby sitting at a moment’s notice.
She spends her small savings doing the sweetest things and spoiling her nephew.
It was also her, who visited me long after the visitors stopped coming and loneliness began creeping in.
Regularly she swoops in and silently sees to chores so I don’t have to when the spontaneous visitor does pop by.

Till today it is my sisters that I turn to for strength and support.
My sisters who save me when my sanity is seconds away from snapping. They are my calm during a toddler tantrum or mom-melt downs and save so many of our days.
The very same girls who cheer me on and share my joy of this beautiful baby boy.

The sacredness of sisterhood is so strong that our prophet (SAW) also recognized its significance. He is reported to have said, “The maternal aunt is of the same status as the mother.”

Then there are those sisters bonded to me not by blood but because of their compassion and care, their assistance and advice, their simple acts of kindness which arrived when I needed them most.
Your calls, messages and concern for our wellbeing are deeply appreciated. When you become a mom, you realize the value of other moms.

It is my sisters who will love my baby as sincerely as I do, who spoil him, stay up for him, who will have the most memorable adventures with him, who will give him all the things he wants but also what he needs, who will guide and care for him. I know this because in those mad and magical first moments of motherhood, they did all this, and so much more for me.

_Quixotic Novelist (a very thankful sister)

Tooth tales

Our class is home to a variety of visitors throughout the day. Recently our most regular has been none other than the penny-bearing tooth fairy.

The age of seven means months of toothlessness or if you’re lucky enough to be a member of our class- a series of rather bizzare toothy tales.

One girl proudly announced the loss of her first tooth but in the hype of relating her news and being congratulated by her classmates she somehow seemed to misplace the very treasure that would guarantee her a R20.

Another one of my students seemed very disappointed one day. When I asked why she complained that they had recently moved and she feared the tooth fairy may not have her updated address. She was the only one from amongst her friends who still had all her baby teeth. I told her I’d try my best to send the tooth fairy the location of her new home. As luck would have it, the tooth fairy must have been in a wifi zone for the very next break the little girl slipped in the sand, smacked her mouth on the soil and out popped two of her incisors. Much to my dismay she returned disappointed and said that the tooth fairy wasn’t supposed to steal her pearly whites, she would much prefer if the tooth fairy started with her rotten teeth at the back!

Nearly two weeks had gone by without incident.

He hopped into class with an overloaded chip roll in hand and merrily began unwrapping it, pausing only to say, “I’d better chew carefully my tooth is quite loose!”

A few seconds later a shriek sounded and that very boy bore a bloody gum and a gap where his tooth was mere moments before.

We searched, turned tables over and checked between the lines beneath our shoes. When we had combed every inch of the classroom he tapped me on the shoulder and with a sheepish grin said, “You won’t find my tooth anywhere?”

“Why not?”

“I ate it. It got stuck in a chip and I swallowed it whole. After all, if we eat with our teeth there can’t be any harm if we eat our teeth as well.”

I sincerely hope this isn’t considered cannibalism-for I don’t think the syllabus of grade can take a bite out of that!

I’ve had so many toothy tales to convey that when I visited my dentist, she didn’t seem to impressed by how well I knew the drill.

_Quixotic Novelist

21 truths upon turning 21

In all honesty I hadn’t thought much about the milestones one achieves when turning 21. Sure it’s the key to freedom and all that (still holding out for that hard cold Cooper key) but for me, turning 21 has taught me some of the greatest lessons. I’d like to share these with you. Without further ado, 21 or my truest truths [told without the pretty wrappings]: 
1. You’re lucky. Oh so lucky. Ponder over these blessings and your smile will always stay.

2. Your first job was a blast. The second has needed some adjusting to. Be flexible and pliant.

3. Every love will at some point (sometimes even all at once) disappoint you. That’s not their fault- it’s that your expectations are too high to reach. Only one love is capable of exceeding your expectations and that is your creator.

4. The children you teach will touch your life in ways which no textbook could ever prepare you. Know that you will have to let go of each of them. Remembering them will make your heart ache but take solace in knowing that for whatever time, you had the ability to influence them in ways that will hopefully carry them through their lives.

5. Some days you simply cannot adult. Take a break. Watch the Lion King. Your responsibilities will wait.

6. When you first met her you knew she’d be a friend forever. Have her back like she’s always had yours.
On that note not every friendship is lasting and some comes with conditions. Believe the best in people but do not be so soft that they swallow you whole.

7. You don’t have to carry the weightof the world on your shoulders. He’s there to lighten the burden. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. He already holds your heart- and they could not be in better hands.

8. There won’t be “one that got away” there will be many…be it yout first ideals of the world, growing up, love; a dream, your muse or those relationships that were left dangling by a thread. Sometimes you’ll be reminded of that loss. Remember then that, that was all it was destined to be.

9. You will be simultaneously enchanted and exhausted by the variety of life and lack thereof. Ce la vie. Accept this.

10. You may groan internally and metaphorically roll your eyes at the commencement of your parents lectures. Take full advantage of their advice. They come with a time limit. Cherish them. There is no gold on earth to their equivalent.

11. You know when you thought nothing would hurt as much as your first heartbreak? Your heart will continue to break…into more pieces than you knew you had. I’ll let you in on a little known fact: hurt is where healing starts.

12. Sometimes you meet someone and they seem alright at first. Then you notice the cracks they try to keep covered. Everyone is broken in some way. Understand this and you will understand them.

13. No one has nor will make you as happy a he does. You know that. He forgets. Make sure to remind him of it.

14. It’s easy to lose yourself. Make sure to hold on to those people who see you when you cannot recognise yourself.

15. Some people will have the magnanimous potential to be kind while others will have the enormous capacity to be cruel. Forget the latter but savour the former. Never, under any circumstances, lose sight of which you’d like to be.

16. Before your prejudice defines someone bear in mind that they haven’t grown up with the same luxuries you have. Appreciate these and be patient with them.

17. The past cannot be buried and occasionally it will rear its ugly head. Don’t despair. It is a part of who you are but you still get to decide who you want to become.

18. Write. Even when you don’t want to. Even when you feel that the world doesn’t deserve a glance at your soul. Write. If you can’t. Read.

19. Once in a while you will find someone with the rarest qualities. They will say and do just the right thing. Embody them. Try to be that person for everyone you meet.

20. Everything is fleeting…That’s okay. Learn to let go of the anchor that holds your heart. 

21. The best is yet to be.
_Quixotic Novelist 

Perilous Profession 

​Part of the reason for my entering the world of education was my infinite love of children. This year my dream came true and I became manager and mummy to nineteen, nine year olds. Every day I return home with letters, poems that don’t rhyme and the laughter-inducing memories about something silly that someone said. Without fail, every day as I leave the school premises my heart swells six times that of its usual size.
Another bounty with which I am blessed is the countless hugs that embrace me every morning and afternoon. The pleas of “please may I carry/do that for you” ring in my ears. Needless to say with majority of kids being kinesthetic learners, I come into a lot of physical contact.

Now I’m not much if a germaphobe but when words like “contagious” and “infectious” and “epidemic” mentioned I do tend to cringe away from their eager embraces.

During my first week I was told about an uncontrolled lice outbreak in which the school had to shut down for a week until its hair was deemed parasite-free.

Now every time I so much as get a tingle on my head I immediately smear mayonnaise into my hair.

Then came the day when nearly every child complained of excruciating stomach cramps. Not half an hour before school was to dismiss six of them started vomitting. My sympathetic gag-reflex worked overtime!

When I thought we had, had enough sickness for one year a girl came up to me and said, “Look at the big bumps on my neck.”
Hello mumps. Naturally upon informing the class of the symptoms nearly everyone declared that they too were feeling feverish and was struggling to swallow. Call me paranoid but I too cannot help but probe my glands for the slightest sign of swelling.

Here’s hoping this isn’t the start of a school – wide epidemic!

Yours in germ – safe distance,
_Quixotic Novelist


Status: Superhero

I’m no expert, however, there is one thing I’ve observed about those individuals who save the day: they’re hidden in plain sight-albeit on the theatre screens but nonetheless, superheroes are your everyday, average citizens.

Despite the massive success of Marvel mania, the big screen fails to capture the reality that superheroes are living among us.

Like any superhero the one I’d like to feature experiences what every budding superhero- nay, every person- does: despondency.

Maybe the mirror is unclear behind the cracks of tragedy but let me tell you what I see:

You are who you’ve always been, only more…

I once looked at you as a big sister but I have never admired you more than I do now. When I see the success of your struggle on so many levels. When I see your magical smile that lights up the corners and crevices of this cruel world. When I see that you are human perchance sometimes you feel a little less than whole but it is your ability to heal that makes you a superhero.

Every thing that has happened; every thing that has hurt you, can be used to heal you. You have the super power to save yourself.

I suggest Simon Snow take a step back, with apologies to Rainbow Rowell, because before this superhero saves the world she’s saving herself!

_Your fan (Quixotic Novelist)

The potency of print

In my younger and more vulnerable years I endured a regrettable vampire obsession *cringes*. During this time I was introduced and intrigued by the concept of immortality.

Now I am of the opinion that mortality is the greatest story told but how do we, as fragile humans with fleeting existences, compete with invincible individuals who have infinity at their disposal to dally as they please?

I’ve come to the conclusion that while we may be mortals we can live a life of immortal effect. The question remained: But how?

I puzzled over how to leave lasting legacy.

In November I attended a bloggers event, organized and presented by a friend and fellow writer  ( hosted the event and we numbered to around an audience of 11. We “speed blog dated” for a while to get to know the mind behind the musings of the urls we bookmark.

It occurred to me then that I may be in the esteemed company of our generation’s potential Shakespeare, Plath, Frost, Brotë, Austen and a host of other uncovered authors.

These are the individuals who have influence running through their veins with the promising possiblity of creating the positive change that our world so desperately craves. I felt the benefits of being surrounded by these people who place an emphasis on mind above all else-a quality that I seek in those I meet. It was a hive of words and ideas buzzed like a thousand busy bees to the beat of the evening.

Each one sitting there that night housed a heart that beat with purpose and potential and while every heart will cease to beat, those that sat circumjacent to me have the power to leave a legacy that will stretch to infinity, far beyond their lifelines.

The printed word is permanent and we’re well on our way to leaving our handwritten mark on the lives of those fortunate enough to enjoy literature.

_Quixotic Novelist

Kintsukuroi: (n/v phrase) to repair with gold

The Japanese practice the art of kintsukuroi by repairing cracked pottery with gold or silver lacquer. The wisdom behind this unusual exercise is to foster an understanding that what is broken is in fact more beautiful simply for having underwent hardship.

More than eight months ago my cousin was involved in a catastrophic car crash. To this very day he is still recovering from its consequences. This included the snapping of his femur which is the strongest bone in the human body.

Fiz, let’s pretend that you were a piece of pottery. That would mean that today you are being reinforced with the earth’s most precious metals. So really, this that you’ve endured makes you more exquisite than you already are.

Imagine if every broken, beaten and battered person was entitled to a share of (non – superficial) gold instead of a sympathy stigma and a mock sigh from society. Imagine if we actually viewed being broken as beautiful because it reflects the process of rising from the ashes after an inferno of affliction.

I’ll tell you something, you are stronger and more beautiful for having been broken. Take no offense that majority of the masses fail to acknowledge the severity of your struggles. After all only the truly gifted can appreciate the essence of your renowned and restored strength.

_Quixotic Novelist

Ps: mayhap pumping you with lacquer is a health hazard, not that, that is necessary when you already possess a heart of gold. Keep shining ☆

The Butterfly-Wing-Trampler

Have you ever noticed the detail and delicacy of a butterfly’s wing? Imagine the effort that goes into creating something of that microscopic magnitude…now think for a moment how long it would take for that to be destroyed…what it would take for that to happen…
A heavy hand?
A careless slip of the tongue?
Words that wield the piercing point of an arrowhead?

An unfiltered, poisoned opinion hurling itself at this perfect presence with the intention of demolishing its youthful spirit…

This is the work of the Butterfly-Wing-Trampler.

We all know the Butterfly-Wing-Trampler in some form or the other.Be it a bully or someone very close to you. As kids we wore our flaws and dreams on the outside until something was said or implied that made us adopt a reverse.

The Butterfly-Wing-Trampler stomped on your wing and tore that delicate, dainty part of you and made you hide behind a mask of pretence. 
You cloaked your vulnerable wings and concealed yourself in layers of conformity so much so that you’ve forever buried your translucent, tentative wings.

Now the Butterfly-Wing-Trampler is a product of his/her past and I know a psychologist who could make a decent human out of him/her yet but the question that I ask is this:
Before the Butterfly-Wing-Trampler treaded on your wing, what did it look like?

Do you have the courage, ex-caterpillar to endure the transition once more and show the world the side you’ve so successfully disguised?

_Quixotic Novelist

The strongest structure

Suffering in areas prone to powerful earthquakes, spurred world renowned engineers and architects put their heads together to come up with disaster-proof designs. After years of deliberation, creation and construction, skyscraping structures are erected in Japan. These are among the 5 indestructible structures in the world.

To whoever crafted that list: move over and brace yourself for editing that order for I can attest to someone much, much stronger. 

The human being is constantly under construction but nothing can prepare you for the tornado of tragedy. Unlike buildings the human being grows more resilient not as a result of plans, rather when they are put in a situation of enormous strain. When you find yourself in the center of the hurricane, submerged under the sudden and stifling tsunami of chaos, you show a strength you never knew you had.

Today I saw such a strength. Masked behind the fragile sense of calm that you composed. I saw it in the sincere smile you displayed when your hands shook silently. I saw it in the selfless sacrifices you make for your loved one, in your plea for prayers for her recovery and your willingness to do anything to see her survive.

You’re stronger than you know. Your heart is surrounded by a shield of steel which will prove the perfect support structure for those who need it most. You’re serving a noble purpose and while every building has its weak spots, you too are allowed a moment or many of vulnerability. You care and it hurts but it is that compassion, that altruistic nature that makes you, in my eyes, the strongest structure in the world♡

_Quixotic Novelist

Premio Dardos

I have been nominated for the Premio Dardos. The meaning and message behind this award is simply beautiful. The name comes from the Spanish words meaning “Prize darts”.


The award is given to bloggers who show cultural, ethical, literary and personal values that are transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.

Thank you to the talented  blogger, Desert Rose 18 ( ) for this honour.

I am constantly intrigued by the following bloggers who meet and surpass the aforementioned criteria. You writers are word wizards that cast a captivating spell on anyone who reads your work.

Quixotic Novelist

•Apocalyptic Teen101
( )
• Into the depths of the ocean
( )
• Random short stories
( )
• Missing Pieces Joined
( )
•Silent Perception
( )
•Her Blank Canvas
( )
•Gems of Jannah
( )
•Nashiha Previn
( )
• Muslima Today
( )
• Modest Miracle
( )
• Blue eyed mutant
( )
• A poet at heart
( www. )
•Journey in a journal
( )
•Broke Bella
( )