To Blair before the ball

Once upon a time in a kingdom 45 minutes away there lived a princess in a palace located under the shadow of a mighty reservoir.

At a tender age I became acquainted with her and we embarked upon play dates involving raindrops that became lemon drops and gum drops, pottery making and quality time with our favourite purple dinosaur.

Adolescence hit and like most teenagers we aspired to be vampires. Naturally we completed the look with pale pallors and Russian Red lips. Alas, all too soon the realization that Robert Pattinson was nothing more brooding blood sucker with the stalkerish tendency to sleep-watch, so we traded our fangs for a first class seat to the Upper East side.

Sleepless nights were spent in observing the cast of Gossip Girl and we identified quickly with the characters of Blair and Serena. To the extent that our lives began to play out according to the profound plot. Sunday Brunches to spontaneous trips to Paris to the time we confounded the staff of Mug and Bean about our French descent. (I feel obliged to mention that we weren’t superficial “city girls” we traveled to ‘Zambia’ and kept a pet Ape so we’re well acquainted with the Farm life-we do a really good duet of ‘Old McDonald’)

On countless occasions we’ve played dress-up until our eyes hurt from the blinding flashes of the camera.Tonight the lens is focused on you. The work of your fairy godmother is complete and her masterpiece will make the likes of Murad and Posen green with envy. Tonight the pumpkin becomes a carriage worthy of royalty. The glass slipper that had been molded for eighteen years and three months and five days is now fit for wear. Tonight you will shimmer with a sparkle more sublime than Sareena. Your beauty will far exceed the best of Blair’s. Tonight your fairytale fantasy will become a reality.

When the clock strikes midnight you can resume your role as the princess you’ve always been (plus you get to keep BOTH shoes!)

Y, I hope you have a night so splendid that you dedicate an entire night’s sleep to scrapbooking the magical moments♡

(Quixotic Novelist)

Madame Tussaud

The first estate diminished or was deemed destitute as they sought refuge on foreign soil. That was the less harsh option. For the shadow of the guillotine loomed like the claw of death. Be it by birth or association anyone with the faintest scent of royalty would surely have their head placed on the chopping board.

I am ardent about the French Revolution. I was reading up on this topic and I stumbled across . A world renowned destination present in popular countries. I introduce to you Madame Marie Tussaud.


Marie was born an orphan after losing her French father to the Seven years War. She grew up in the household of Dr. Curtis. Marie was only six years old when she sculpted a wax figurine of French philsophe, Voltaire.


Curtius saw an entrepreneurship opportunity and their wax business boomed. A largw amount of their income was generated from the visits of the snobby rich. Young Marie yearned for the gauzy fabrics and feathered parasols of the first estate.

Marie’s talent was recognized and she was approached to tutor Elisabeth, sister of King Louis XVI. She took up permanent residence at Versailles and lived their for nine years. During her stay she developed a fondness and attachment for members of the aristocracy, particularly her pupil Elisabeth.

Now the cries of “Equality!”, “Liberty!” and “Fraternity!” were amplified. The lords and ladies in Marie’s life slowly made their way to the steel teeth of La Guillotine. Marie’s being a friend to the enemies of the Revolution meant that they would have her head. She was thrown into the Bastille and shared a cell with Josephine (later to become wife of Napoleon Bonaparte). Marie was destined to be executed and the morning of her fate her head was shaved as was custome; however,at the dying moments she was pardoned by none other than Dr. Curtius.


Her sparing meant not only contrition but consequence too. Marie’s occupation would be to mould death masks. She would dig through the pile of heads, identify notable figures and then work with the bloody corpse. While this act alone is enough to render one faint, added to this Marie had to sift through the remains of her friends at court! Among these were Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Marat(a power-hungry French libertine who was killed in his bathtub by his servant girl) ,Robespierre (a corrupt French libertine) and worst of all her beloved pupil, Elisabeth.

Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
Robespierre (a corrupt French libertine)

Marie worked for Dr. Curtius at their successful business. Upon the death of the doctor Marie inherited Curtius’s fortune along with the valuable heads.


She married François Tussaud with whom she had two sons. During the Napoleonic regime Marie migrated with her boys but without her husband. She settled in England and in 1835 occupied the museum on Baker street in London. The same venue upon which her current dwelling stands.


So there is more to Madame Tussauds than a selfie with ounces of Justin Bieber wax!

I admire Marie for not only handling a grotesque situation with grace but for making a success of herself which to this very day is a place where history and curiosity combine in a scintillating mix.

_Quixotic Novelist