The Great Depression of a 21st century teen

Unimaginable is Paris without the Eiffel Tower, New York without Lady Liberty , London without Big Ben, Makkah without the sacred kabah. Most catastrophic however and my latest and greatest predicament which I painfully endured for nine tedious days… A hotel without wifi!

As I said: unimaginable! Yet there I was , dumbfounded that a five star hotel did not offer wifi, more so that I was now drawing the wifi symbol for the receptionist because his english vocabulary seemed to consist of a single word : “No”

Defeated and plagued with an insomnia infested mind, I was banished to the isolation of a pre-technology world. Having eternity at my disposal I began to ponder of life’s mystical meanings- which lastyed about five seconds since I felt as though I carried Atlas’ burden upon my shoulders and had just been deep sea diving in an endless pool of metaphors.

I did the only thing I could do: I slipped into a comatose state of mourning. Beginning to despise I and Android users with their limitless supply of personal wifi. Patience is a precious virtue and my complaints became a source of vexation for my travel companions so much so that I was taken to an overpriced, overrated internet cafe and finally made the decision to buy a pair of shoes rather than upload this post at a speed that far exceeds the average pace of household wifi.

So a new disorder can be recorded in the books of history: the Great Depression of a technologically dependent teenager due to a severe lack of wifi. Yes, it is tragic and far exceeds the cataclysmic calamity of the 1929 Wall Street Crash. Fortunately there is a cure, else you wouldn’t be reading this…

_Quixotic Novelist