21 truths upon turning 21

In all honesty I hadn’t thought much about the milestones one achieves when turning 21. Sure it’s the key to freedom and all that (still holding out for that hard cold Cooper key) but for me, turning 21 has taught me some of the greatest lessons. I’d like to share these with you. Without further ado, 21 or my truest truths [told without the pretty wrappings]: 
1. You’re lucky. Oh so lucky. Ponder over these blessings and your smile will always stay.

2. Your first job was a blast. The second has needed some adjusting to. Be flexible and pliant.

3. Every love will at some point (sometimes even all at once) disappoint you. That’s not their fault- it’s that your expectations are too high to reach. Only one love is capable of exceeding your expectations and that is your creator.

4. The children you teach will touch your life in ways which no textbook could ever prepare you. Know that you will have to let go of each of them. Remembering them will make your heart ache but take solace in knowing that for whatever time, you had the ability to influence them in ways that will hopefully carry them through their lives.

5. Some days you simply cannot adult. Take a break. Watch the Lion King. Your responsibilities will wait.

6. When you first met her you knew she’d be a friend forever. Have her back like she’s always had yours.
On that note not every friendship is lasting and some comes with conditions. Believe the best in people but do not be so soft that they swallow you whole.

7. You don’t have to carry the weightof the world on your shoulders. He’s there to lighten the burden. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. He already holds your heart- and they could not be in better hands.

8. There won’t be “one that got away” there will be many…be it yout first ideals of the world, growing up, love; a dream, your muse or those relationships that were left dangling by a thread. Sometimes you’ll be reminded of that loss. Remember then that, that was all it was destined to be.

9. You will be simultaneously enchanted and exhausted by the variety of life and lack thereof. Ce la vie. Accept this.

10. You may groan internally and metaphorically roll your eyes at the commencement of your parents lectures. Take full advantage of their advice. They come with a time limit. Cherish them. There is no gold on earth to their equivalent.

11. You know when you thought nothing would hurt as much as your first heartbreak? Your heart will continue to break…into more pieces than you knew you had. I’ll let you in on a little known fact: hurt is where healing starts.

12. Sometimes you meet someone and they seem alright at first. Then you notice the cracks they try to keep covered. Everyone is broken in some way. Understand this and you will understand them.

13. No one has nor will make you as happy a he does. You know that. He forgets. Make sure to remind him of it.

14. It’s easy to lose yourself. Make sure to hold on to those people who see you when you cannot recognise yourself.

15. Some people will have the magnanimous potential to be kind while others will have the enormous capacity to be cruel. Forget the latter but savour the former. Never, under any circumstances, lose sight of which you’d like to be.

16. Before your prejudice defines someone bear in mind that they haven’t grown up with the same luxuries you have. Appreciate these and be patient with them.

17. The past cannot be buried and occasionally it will rear its ugly head. Don’t despair. It is a part of who you are but you still get to decide who you want to become.

18. Write. Even when you don’t want to. Even when you feel that the world doesn’t deserve a glance at your soul. Write. If you can’t. Read.

19. Once in a while you will find someone with the rarest qualities. They will say and do just the right thing. Embody them. Try to be that person for everyone you meet.

20. Everything is fleeting…That’s okay. Learn to let go of the anchor that holds your heart. 

21. The best is yet to be.
_Quixotic Novelist